
Rep. Lori Mizgorski Comments on House Passage of Spending Plan

Jun. 25, 2019  Download

House lawmakers have voted to support a 2019-20 General Fund budget that continues a multi-year effort to hold the line on taxes, fees and spending. Total state spending would be set at $33.997 billion, a 1.8% increase over the current fiscal year, which is in line with the rate of inflation. The plan provides for a record level of spending on education and includes a deposit of more than $250 million into the Rainy-Day Fund, the state’s primary “savings account.”


Rep. Mizgorski Optimistic, but Expresses Concerns About Budget Funding

Feb. 05, 2019  Download

Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his 2019-2020 state budget proposal on Tuesday in Harrisburg. The $34.15 billion spending plan represents a nearly 1 billion dollar increase in state spending over last year. House Republicans said the Commonwealth should be focused on controlling spending and the education and development of our workforce..


Rep. Mizgorski Comments Following the PA House Swearing-In Ceremony and the Opening of the 2019-20 Legislative Session

Jan. 01, 2019  Download

Members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives were sworn in Tuesday in Harrisburg with the members taking the oath of office in the House chamber at noon to officially begin the 2019-20 legislative session. Republicans hold a 110-93 majority in the House with 19 newly elected Republican members. This is the fifth consecutive term that Republicans have retained majority control of the PA House. Rep. Lori Mizgorski (R-Allegheny) offered comments on the swearing-in ceremony and opening of the new legislative session.